Joshua ben Perahiah used to say: appoint yourself a teacher, and acquire yourself a companion.
— Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 1:6

As an independent rabbi, Rabbi Matt Rosenberg (bio) utilizes ancient Jewish tradition and texts to provide confidential spiritual direction and pastoral counseling to individuals online everywhere. Rabbi Matt is available for one-time crisis counseling or spiritual direction as well as longer-term counseling and direction. Longer term clients typically see Rabbi Matt once every week or every few weeks to a month as part of an ongoing relationship. Contact Rabbi Matt at 916-696-5561 or for a confidential intake and assessment.

spiritual direction

Rabbi Matt is eager to accompany others as they reflect on their spiritual journeys, cultivate their inner life, and expand their awareness of the holy dimensions of living.

As a spiritual director, Rabbi Matt serves as a contemplative listener, providing a safe, nonjudgmental relationship in which a directee can listen for how they are being invited into deeper connection with themselves, with others, and with God. Understanding that spiritual growth is a process involving commitment, practice, and reflection, Rabbi Matt offers companionship and guidance to seekers through both joyous and challenging times of life. Some people in spiritual direction believe in God; others do not. An essential part of the relationship is helping directees discern and put into language the sacred dimension of their lives.

pastoral counseling

As a trained chaplain, Rabbi Matt meets with individuals seeking guidance and support navigating the challenges of life. Rabbi Matt can provide insight from the Jewish tradition to provide spiritual guidance to individuals.

Pastoral counseling is not traditional therapy; Rabbi Matt utilizes active listening and provides guidance to the client to assist them in their derech chayim or path of life. Rabbi Matt serves as a listener and guide to his clients, providing clarity based on the wisdom of the Jewish tradition.

In addition to pastoral counseling training in seminary at American Jewish University, Rabbi Matt completed his Clinical Pastoral Education training at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Bryan, Texas.